Sobre a Giga Mais Fibra

Na Giga Mais Fibra, oferecemos serviços de instalação e suporte para internet fibra óptica, focando em atender gamers e usuários exigentes.

An electrical panel with multiple Category 6 (CAT 6) ethernet cables plugged into ports labeled from A to G. The cables are of different colors, including black, green, red, and blue, organized neatly into corresponding outlets. The panel includes labels for 'LINE OUT' and 'LINE IN' and the brand name 'Teka' is visible.
An electrical panel with multiple Category 6 (CAT 6) ethernet cables plugged into ports labeled from A to G. The cables are of different colors, including black, green, red, and blue, organized neatly into corresponding outlets. The panel includes labels for 'LINE OUT' and 'LINE IN' and the brand name 'Teka' is visible.
A network server rack filled with neatly organized cables. There are numerous black and red ethernet cables bundled together using cable ties. A keyboard and computer are placed at the bottom of the rack, with various networking equipment above them, showing multiple ports and blinking green lights indicating active connections.
A network server rack filled with neatly organized cables. There are numerous black and red ethernet cables bundled together using cable ties. A keyboard and computer are placed at the bottom of the rack, with various networking equipment above them, showing multiple ports and blinking green lights indicating active connections.
A close-up of a network switch or server rack with various colored Ethernet cables plugged into ports. The device features indicator lights, and the setting appears to be a technical or IT environment with several wires and cables.
A close-up of a network switch or server rack with various colored Ethernet cables plugged into ports. The device features indicator lights, and the setting appears to be a technical or IT environment with several wires and cables.

Nossa Missão e Visão

Comprometemo-nos a fornecer internet de alta qualidade, suporte técnico especializado e soluções personalizadas para garantir a melhor experiência online para nossos clientes.


Oferecemos serviços de internet fibra óptica e suporte técnico em sua região. Entre em contato para mais informações sobre nossa cobertura.


Rua Exemplo, 123


Seg-Sex: 9h-18h

gray computer monitor

Suporte Técnico

Entre em contato para suporte em internet fibra óptica e gamer.